John Burt Shares His Leadership Insights with KTLA-TV

John Burt Shares His Leadership Insights with KTLA-TV
John Burt, executive leadership coach based in Pasadena, CA, was recently featured on Los Angeles’ KTLA 5 News, where he shared some useful insights on leadership qualities. In a segment that aired on Jan. 16, 2022, John shared his thoughts on multiple issues, from vulnerability to resilience, as well as being present and having a duty mindset.
From the segment titled, “How to Level Up Your Leadership Skills,” below are some of the key takeaways from the interview:
Vulnerability as a Key Leadership Trait
“Being vulnerable is about admitting that you don’t have all the answers, and that you might need a little help. For leaders today, it’s about creating a greater sense of self-awareness and really understanding your strengths and weaknesses. You can work on these, as well as how your mindset and emotions are driving your behavior in the workplace. Vulnerability means asking for and receiving feedback from others.”
On Thinking Differently and Thinking Big
“In business, if you’ve ever wanted different results, sometimes it requires stepping out of your comfort zone and disrupting yourself. You need to have the courage to think big of yourself and what you have to contribute to the world. It’s about discovering your core purpose, which is something great leaders like Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos have successfully done.”
What it Means to Have a “Duty Mindset”
“Most great leaders understand that it’s not about them, their corner office, or their preferred parking space. It’s about understanding their responsibility to others – lifting them up to create that shared vision or strategy and being able to communicate it so strongly that people on your team buy in and want to follow you. Employees today are seeking leaders that take them on authentic missions.”
How to Be Present
“In today’s business world, it’s about speaking less and listening more. Having empathy for others and understanding their motivations and behaviors. It’s also about recognizing others for their contributions to the organization. Lastly, be aware of the signs that you need to change or pivot.”
On Resilience
“Well, change is the new normal – we’re not going back to something else. So, leaders need to create greater resilience for themselves to be able to deal with these turbulent times. Resilience shouldn’t be seen as a single skill, it’s more of a variety of skills and coping mechanisms that leaders need to develop. Being in a leadership role can be lonely position – so having a trusted support network around you that you can rely on is important. It’s about self-care. Eating right. Sleeping well. Getting exercise. And having that support network comes in handy because we all make mistakes. But showing resilience means you’re going to recover and be fine.”
You can watch the full video of John Burt’s appearance on KTLA-TV by following this link.
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