Entries by johnburt

Executives Need Guidance

Leadership at the executive level often comes with a perception of invincibility—an expectation that those at the top have all the answers. However, the reality is far from this belief. Even the most accomplished executives need guidance, coaching, and continual learning to remain effective in an ever-evolving business landscape. The Illusion of Absolute Authority Many […]


Inclusive Leadership in a Virtual World Podcast

Millennials are set to comprise 75% of the global workforce by 2025; however, the next generation of workers are often disengaged at work and reluctant to take up leadership positions.  This session will dig deeper into the millennial dilemma and how we can engage and inspire these creative and talented individuals in tackling the challenges […]

Seeing Through Privilege

Everyone has some privilege. Regardless of your background or life experiences, you were likely born into or had access to resources, and opportunities that others have not. The problem with privilege comes from not being aware of your privilege and working to use it to benefit those around you and those that you lead. Working […]

Landscape of 2024: Trends and Challenges

The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce and 17 other fellow San Gabriel Valley Chambers are hosting a series of webinars. Renewal and Resilience: Navigating the Future of Business is hosted by the Chambers of Commerce of Alhambra, Altadena, Azusa, Claremont, El Monte/South El Monte, Glendora, Greater West Covina, Monrovia, Pasadena, Pomona, Regional Chamber of the San […]

Avoid Group Think: Mastering Dissent

Organizations often times suffer from “Group Think”, and leaders can easily fall into the Go-Along-to-Get-Along (aka GAGA) trap. Dissent from the group is hard work for anyone since groups prefer consensus where existing views are validated, the environment remains predictable, and the work is done efficiently. Defying the group can often lead to one’s ideas being dismissed or even ridicule and ostracism.  However, a characteristic […]

Critical Decision-making: The Role of Values and Core Purpose

I’ve been a leader for most of my life.  Whether it be Boy Scouts or my school sports teams growing up, or professional roles in business and community organizations as an adult.  I’ve gravitated toward leadership positions with a strong drive to excel at everything I put my mind and attention to.  So, recently, when […]

PASADENA PIONEERS – Leadership Coaching

John was recent honored to be interviewed Pasadena Pioneers podcast by host Don Schweitzer, Family Law Attorney and Chairman of the Board for the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce.   Don and John discuss leadership, coaching and and the importance of personal development.