5 Leadership Tips for Turbulent Times

5 Leadership Tips for Turbulent Times
The world is starving for good leadership. Over 40% of the US workforce is considering leaving their current employer for a new career, a majority are mid-career employees, a trend being called the “Great Resignation”. But what if you want to stay and you’re looking for a promotion? It will take more than just doing your job, or even doing it well, to get recognized as someone that deserves to be promoted. You need to differentiate yourself from the rest of the pack and demonstrate the right leadership skills to land that plum job.
As a leadership coach, I offer some “tips” for leaders in these turbulent times.
Tip #1 – Be Vulnerable
It is important that leaders admit that they don’t have all the answers and they may need some help. Most leaders I speak to discover that by developing a greater self-awareness, understanding their leadership style and their strengths and weaknesses will open opportunities for growth. Leaders should know how their emotions and mindsets drive their outward behaviors and how they show up for others. It is essential that leaders ask for honest feedback. Feedback is a gift that will help you gain insights and improve your leadership.
Tip #2 – Think Differently, Think Big
If you want to see different results in your life or business, you must have the courage to step outside your comfort zone and disrupt yourself. You must be able think as big as possible about yourself and what you have to offer the organization or the world. Having small goals will only produce small results. Leaders that lack this courage take fewer risks and find it difficult to stand out. One thing I’ve learned in my years in leadership is that you must develop a bold and differentiated vision for how something can be better, and you must be prepared to communicate this vision to others in such a compelling way that they are inspired to follow. Discovering your core purpose as a leader is an important step in becoming a great leader.
Tip #3 – Adopt a Duty Mindset
Great leaders recognize that it’s not about them. The goal is not the corner office or the reserve parking spot. From the moment they become a leader, they understand their responsibility – a duty minset – is too others and helping those around them to contribute and achieve their full potential. The leader must create and shared vision and strategy, communicate it powerfully to inspire their team to action, and then work with their teams to remove barriers and obstacles, encourage them and provide them support and guidance. Individuals today are looking for organizations that have an authentic mission which aligns with how they identify with themselves. Leaders have a critical role in connecting individual contributors to the mission of the organization they serve.
Tip #4 – Stay Present
We live in a world of distractions, smart phones, 24/7 news and entertainment, hybrid work and family demands. At the same time, studies show that employees want desperately to connect more with their colleagues and be recognized for their contribution. Individuals want to heard and seen for who they are. Great leaders are those that can be present and in the moment with their team members. They speak less and listen more, and they use all their senses when communicating with people. They look for non-verbal cues and messaging. Good leaders have empathy for others around them and look ot understand a person’s situation and perspectives. They take the time to acknowledge and recognize a person’s contribution to the team. They also are vigilant and look for signs that they need to change course or change speed to adapt to new information.
Tip #5 – Develop Resilience
Change is the new normal. There is no going back. Leaders must adapt and become more resilient to survive or even thrive in today’s turbulent times. Resilience is not a single skill, but a variety of skills and coping mechanisms to deal with uncertainty and setbacks. Building resilience takes time and can be accomplished as you learn from small challenges and apply your learning to the next and possible greater difficulty.
As a leader, I have always tried to keep a positive mindset. Your team will take their cue from you. If you’re down and deflated, the team will likely sense this and mirror your behavior. Bring your passion to your work. Be enthusiastic. encouraging and refocus the team on the goal ahead. Being a leader does not always mean going it alone. You should create a support network for yourself that you can openly confide in when you’re dealing with a problem or need advice. Finally, practice self-care. Get good sleep, eat a balanced diet, exercise, mediate or immerse yourself in a hobby of your choice.
Remember, we all make mistakes and stumble occasionally, but it’s about getting back-up, dusting yourself off and keep going. Good luck.
If you’re interested in learning more about Intelligent Leadership, and how leadership coaching can help you improve your effectiveness and impact as a leader, give me a call +1.720.235.9370, or schedule time to chat here.